Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mystery Topic Challenge #6

This challenge question was posted by Jester. I'm going to give you the preamble to the question too, as I think it'll make more sense that way.

You know how you can be driving along, just minding your own business and suddenly a song will come on the radio that transports you through space and time so clearly and throughly that you miss your exit or rear end the car in front of you?

Here's your topic: What song transports you through space and time, and where do you go?

I didn't even have to think much about this one really. There's a song that does this to me pretty much any time I hear it. It's as much a conditioned response as anything Pavlov ever taught to a dog.

This one takes me back to CN Skate Palace circa the mid-to-late 80's/early 90's. It was THE place to be on a Saturday afternoon if you grew up where I did. Everyone would show up right when the place opened and the line to get in the door would often stretch farther than the length of the building. All the kids had their birthday parties there. Everyone else just came to skate with their friends. And every week every person in line would be wearing the strangest socks they could get their hands on.

You see, there was a contest for the funkiest socks, and everyone was in on it. At some point during each skating session the DJ would announce that he'd be playing "Gator" next and everyone would ready their socks, pulling them high up above their skates so they'd be easily visible. This was in the days of neon colors and layering multiple pairs of "scrunch" socks together. People would wind glow necklaces around their ankles to grab everyone's attention.

Then "Shake It Up" would begin. The skating floor would be packed. Everyone in the place was out there, along with all of the staff acting as judges. During the verses of the song, the DJ would say things like "everyone skate backward" or "spin in circles" and you had to follow his commands. Then, in the chorus he'd say "GATOR" and everyone would lie on their backs on the floor and kick their skates in the air. The judges would skate around and look for funky socks. At the end of the song, a few kids would get picked to win prizes like food bar coupons and free admission.

I can still hear the DJ yell "GATOR" every time I hear that song. And I can still feel how heavy those skates were. Especially after you were already dizzy from spinning in circles and such.


Andy D said...

Ahhh...the skating rink. Just thinking of that takes me back.

Good luck.

Jayne d'Arcy said...

I miss the skating rink days. I'd just crack myself if I went skating now. But I loved the music, the lights and the weight of those skates.

Jan said...

I grew up with wheels on my feet. Kids never seem to do much skating today and it seems sad. Funky socks...what a hoot!

BunGirl said...

You and me both Jan -- I think I could skate before I could walk!

Biologisvensk said...

Ah, now I'm missing my white roller skates with their hot pink laces and wheels. They were so girly!

The 80's have come and gone, and I have yet to lose my penchant for funky socks.

Anonymous said...

Haha, this stirred up some great memories; I used to love those skating parties...maybe I need to have one for myself next birthday ;-)

BunGirl said...

Yeah, I had white with red wheels and I changed the laces all the time, so they were just about every color of the rainbow...

Hey Romi, good idea! I wonder if they still do the Gator at CN...

Anonymous said...

You know those really shady kids who would sit out behind the skating rink, wearing all black and smoking. I was one of those kids. Looking back I should have put on some skates.

BunGirl said...

Awww Killer, you were missing out on all the fun!

Anonymous said...

I feel so deprived! We didn't even have a skating rink...

Nice entry BunGirl,


Verse of the Day