Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Some of you who also read my games blog may know that I participated this year in NaBloPoMo. The idea was to post a blog entry every day for the entire month of November. Not only did I manage to complete the challenge, I was also named as a prize winner! (Btw, Robyn, if you're reading this I still haven't heard back from you...) It was such a blast that I think I'd like to do it again, but I don't want to wait till next November! So, I've decided to give Blog365 a go this year. That means you'll be seeing a lot more frequent posting here for 2008. Anyone want to join me???

Visit Blog 365


It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

You're seriously going to do this? 365 days of posting - actually 366, right, since it's leap year? WOW! I know there are going to be a few times this year (like starting right away Jan. 1-8) when I'll be travelling and will likely not have internet access. I enjoyed NaBloPoMo and finished it up, even blogging while I was away with my husband on a marriage retreat, but not sure I could keep up with 365!

BunGirl said...

Yup. I'm going to try my best anyway! It's 365, rather than 366 -- Feb 29th is a day off. Also, there are options for days you don't have internet access to do things like prepost those days or just write them on paper and post them when you can. Just as long as you end the year with at least 365 posts, you've fulfilled the challenge. I think it will be a difficult one, but I'm hoping I'm up for it!

Verse of the Day