Friday, March 27, 2009

Baby Faith

Imagine being a 23-year-old, single woman, pregnant, and being told that your baby had no brain and no chance to live once she was no longer in your womb. Imagine doctors telling you should end the pregnancy now. Many women would do as the doctors suggested. Thankfully, this woman didn't. The baby she was told would only live a few moments once born is now a month old and doing quite well. She's not in an incubator or connected to a bunch of machines to keep her going. She's not sickly or withering. She's very blessed to have a mother who chose to protect her life.

Anyone who believes that abortions are ever a good idea should read this story.


Andy D said...

Wow, what an incredible blog. I just spent the last hour reading everything on her site.

Anonymous said...

Actually abortion would have been the more human option here. That poor mother is deluding herself - there is nothing "normal" about that baby. Compare it to a healthy 6 week old and it's really really sad. All of this is just going to make the eventual death of the baby that much harder on the mother. It's not going to get better, it has NO brain! The longest a baby with anencephaly has ever lived is a year and half - here is a picture of it. - is this something you want to encourage to happen?!?

Dani said...

Actually the oldest lived to 12.

BunGirl said...

IMHO, choosing life is always better than choosing death.

Anonymous said...

Dani, you say the oldest lived to 12, but I've not been able to find that ANYWHERE online, after many searches. All I've seen is that "Baby K" was the longest known survivor - at almost 2 years. Please show me a link that can confirm this because I don't think it's true. I actually hope its not because the quality of life for a 12 year old with no brain is really horrifying.
And BunGirl - I'm sorry but I can't really consider this "life" - there is NO conscientiousness, it is simply a brain stem with reflexes and motor responses. I consider "life" to be a much higher & complex form of functioning. I mean this baby is "alive" like a plant is alive. Also, I don't think life vs. death is always that black & white. What about life in constant unending agony? Should someone be forced to exist in constant pain just because others think "death" is a "bad" choice? And if you're Christian, why is death so bad? Doesn't it mean you get to go be in heaven free of pain & happy?

The Moose said...

Anonymous, who are you to say that anyone's quality of life is not worth anything? Relativists like you always emphasize that situations are different for everyone, and not so black and white. Just because you apparently would not choose to live with what you would consider less than perfect quality of life factors, doesn't mean everyone should. Or are you saying that people with less than optimal life factors have a duty to off themselves?

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