Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings July 30, 2006

  1. Italy :: Italian food (my fave cuisine!)

  2. Honk :: Geese (we've been seeing some Canadian Geese not far from the house lately.)

  3. Shades :: Joe Cool

  4. Tool :: Craftsman (cause hey, you can't beat that guarantee)

  5. Modern :: style

  6. Tension :: stress

  7. Conservative :: Liberal see my score, posted below...

  8. Weight :: Height

  9. Insurance :: deductible

  10. Political :: debate (remember this one? I'm still giggling)

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 65% Conservative, 35% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal


The Moose said...

My results are (conservative/liberal)

Princess Jami said...

B-G, I was going to tease you about being so liberal with your ethics, but I ended up with the same score. Tee-hee.

Overall: 80% Conservative, 20% Liberal
Social Issues: 100%/0%
Personal Responsibility: 75%/25%
Fiscal Issues: 100%/0%
Ethics: 25%/75%
Defense and Crime: 100%/0%

Verse of the Day