Wednesday, May 18, 2005

In defense of the "Religious Right"

Recently, I have found myself daily at homocon: the blog of a conservative gay man. That's right -- they do exist. I know many in the Christian Community are completely uncomfortable around (or too often blatantly hateful toward) those whose sexual orientation doesn't line up in the traditional guy-girl way, but I have just never felt this way. The way I see it, if Jesus Himself could befriend some of the dregs of society, why should I feel like any human being is somehow beneath my notice and unworthy of any kind of positive attention? I have over the years been fortunate enough to have the friendship of a few gay men, and though I don't agree with all of their choices, I certainly don't consider them to be any more inherently evil than any of the other sinners here on this Earth. Today homocon has posted his thoughts in defense of Christians and their political views. GO READ IT.


Armando said...

Bun Girl, I agree for the most part. Homosexuality is not the unforgivable sin, so we should still love and care about homosexuals just as we love and care for anyone else.

At the same time, it is a sin, and a practicing homosexual is actively sinning, actively choosing to disobey God.

BunGirl said...

Yes, it is a sin. But so is any kind of sex outside of marriage. So is lying, or lust, or anger. We don't shun people just because they are sinning. We all were active sinners at one time and if some Christian man or woman hadn't taken the time to befriend us, we might have stayed that way. I believe that Christ wants us to be ambassadors to a sin-filled world. (in the world but not of it) How can we do that if we are not willing to spend time with those who have not yet been Saved?

Anonymous said...

God burned and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of sodomy/homosexuality. Yes, we are to love people who CHOOSE to be gay. We are to witness to them, but not to condone their lifestyle and act like it's no big deal. Jesus didn't just "hang out" with sinners. He told them what they were doing was wrong. Our society is definitely in the age of aposticy...we don't want to be negative to anyone. Because of this, so many people are going to hell. So, if you have a gay friend, that's great. If you really like them, you'll tell them the TRUTH. The truth hurts, but a true friend can take it. Tell them what the Bible says about homosexuality. Tell them how to be saved. Tell them to repent, and change their ways. Homosexuality is wrong, and America will "pay for it" some day as Africa is "paying" for it now. Oh no, there I go being negative!!!

BunGirl said...

Wow! My first troll! I feel so special! Please, if you're going to leave comments like that, at least have the decency to not hide behind "anonymous".

That said, I am not in any way condoning the lifestyle. I am simply saying that it is no worse than any of the million other sins we see every day.

Anonymous said...

Did I really say anything "worse" than what Armando said??? "It is a sin, and a practicing homosexual is actively sinning, actively CHOOSING to disobey God." Any Christian who claims to be gay and still claims to be a Christian??? Did they TRULY make a commitment to God? Yes, once saved, always saved. If you truly get saved, you shed the old man and become a new man. We have a good, forgiving, and gracious Saviour, but when you're saved, you come out of your sinful lifestyle. You don't stay in it hoping that He'll be accepting of it. Just as a drunk, junkie, adulterer, etc should leave their lifestyle behind, so should a homosexual. This is our one life to live here on Earth. We are here not to benefit ourselves, but to be a witness...a light. God did not create Adam and Steve...He NEVER intended for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with a woman. EVER!!!! I guess we'll all see some day, at the judgement seat, how big of a sin God believes homosexuality to be. John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son that whosoever believeth in Him should NOT perish but have everlasting life.

BunGirl said...

I wholeheartedly agree that Christianity and homosexuality do not mix. I am not defending homosexuality. I am simply saying that it is no worse than any other sin. It is not your words that
I take offense to... it is the tone of your comment.

Verse of the Day