Ok, so obviously I'm not very good at consistently blogging. I think the most difficult part for me is deciding on something to write about. It's not so much a lack of ideas as an overabundance of them. That and I can be terribly indecisive. So, I started
Unconscious Mutterings as a way of having it decided for me at least once a week. Hopefully that will be back to stay this weekend.
So now I plan on adding another (hopefully) weekly feature.
Illustration Fridays seems like a wonderful creative outlet, so I think I may just try it out. You can't laugh though. My illustration skills may be a bit rusty, but maybe this will help me dust them off some. (Was that a mixed metaphor?) Anyway, I don't think I'll get anything ready in time to post it this week, and my home computer is down right now anyway, but look for it next Friday.
In the meantime, thank you for sticking around!!!