Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Back from Russia...

and still feeling the effects of jet lag. I will be writing a (probably fairly long) post about my time overseas last week, but right now I am so tired that the words just won't come. I had intended to have lots of info up there already, but for now I just want to thank all of those whose prayers and support led to many great things in the city of Ekaterinberg. The title of this post links to the web site of one of the Compas staffers, so go check it out.


Princess Jami said...

It's okay that you've been posting all the pictures...I bet you have SO very much to say, so take all the time you need to write it up. Looks like the trip was great and went well. Can you believe you are already back here and it's Election Day?! :-)

BunGirl said...

Yeah, having the whole week without any political ads kinda spoiled me I think. I voted in the early voting last week, and now I just can't wait for it all to be over!

Verse of the Day