Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Russia -- Episode II

Well, as those of you who have been reading for a while know, my husband and I went to Russia last year as part of a partnership between my church and the Campus Crusade team in Ekaterinberg (and yet I'm still not sure how to spell that!). We will be going back again this year. We have officially started preparations for the trip and that includes raising support. I have decided that I will be putting all of the proceeds from the Google toolbar (at the top of this page) toward that trip. So, if you could just click on the links there and peruse the sites offered, you'll be supporting a great ministry! The other form of support I could really use is prayer. If you are interested in praying for specific stuff, feel free to e-mail me (h m e l t o n [at] s b c g l o b a l [dot] n e t) and I'll send you the list. Otherwise, general prayer that the preparatory stage goes smoothly, and prayer for the kids we will be teaching to be open to the message, would be greatly appreciated!

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